Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Have Never Before Seen Someone Yell At A Knight Captain

We leave New York tomorrow.  Might as well check back in St. Louis, see if the Crusade has turned up anything yet.

Mab had a very tense conversation with her father, while the rest of the paladins had me at gunpoint.  She explained that I had saved her, and that if he had any common sense he would have found and taken care of those Ebon Widow cultists ages ago.  She also said that we were married now, and that we were going to go off and have adventures.  And then she said "so there".  Like, actually said it.

The Knight Captain then pulled me aside.  We had a very long conversation, that went something like:

"She's dragging you into this."

"Yes sir."

"Not a question.  Good luck."

"'re just going to--"

"You've known her for at least the past few hours.  Do you think I'm going to convince her otherwise?"

So I guess we have his blessing?

I really have no idea how much of a "marriage" this is.  She hasn't...tried anything.  I'm not even sure if she' me at all.  Mostly she seems to think that getting married involves roaming the countryside, righting wrongs and battling evil.  Which I guess is kind  of true, if I'm your wife?

Don't get me wrong, she's kind of cute, if you like the Paladin aesthetic--shaved head, kind of muscular, body armor.  But...I'm not really looking for anyone at the moment, at least, not in that way.  I haven't really given any thought to having a significant other.  Much less a young, wanderlust-filled, idealistic demon hunter.

I dunno, though.  Katrina's been my only company for..years now.  Maybe it'll be good to finally have some company.  Someone at my side on my long, ravaged road.

Alright.  Getting reading to head out.  Mab has everything she says she needs, but I'll believe that when I see it.

Wish me luck.


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