Friday, December 2, 2011


For my first ever post, let me leave some wisdom from me, badass bard-witch, to you, standard schmoe out there in post-apocalyptia:  a properly tuned bass is extremely effective at killing ghosts.

That's enough for now.  Have to dodge some ghost rights activists.

I swear to the gods, you'd think the apocalypse would have gotten rid of all the PETA rejects.  Nope!  Now they have dumber goals!

Whatever.  Ghosts are not people too.  They're fucking ghosts.



  1. Ethical treatment of ghosts? How strange. I certainly hope they never form a group on the world I live in. I'm certain they couldn't get the Resurrectionist to stop whatever it is he does.

  2. I was wondering if alternate dimensions were getting these. Cool!

    I guess this magical internet is worth something, after all.
